Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Camera happy at Taggart Lake

Better in person but I still love it 

I found me a moose!

The beginning of my hike to Taggart Lake. 1.6 miles up and 1.6 million mosquitoes later...

Such a pretty bridge

Look closely for the Tetons! A certain tree was, of course, right in the way of making this perfect

Oh wildflowers :)

Aspens all around

This gets to be the biggest picture because it is my favorite!

Give said the little stream

So many trees


Reflection on the lake

Tetons and Taggart Lake

I had the day off on Monday so I took some FHE time to myself and headed up into the park. It was very pretty and it was fun to just be able to take pictures and think! I headed to Jenny Lake and last minute decided to hike to Taggart Lake and it was definitely worth the hike! I had way too many pictures that I wanted to post so sorry if there seems to be a lot. Deal with it :) 


  1. Sam your pictures are awesome! You need to be a professional photographer :) I would frame all of those pictures and put them in my house. Nice job!

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