Sunday, June 24, 2012

Go Jump In The Lake! Phelps edition

One beautiful morning my friends and I headed up to Phelps Lake to jump off the rock. It was so beautiful up there! I've been there so many times before but this time it was perfect. The lake was past glass and I was a little camera happy. Jumping off the rock was such a rush! It's pretty much the longest drop ever and the water is breath taking cold. But I loved it so much! I can't wait to jump off of it again. Our goal is to jump/swim in every lake in the Grand Teton National Park by the end of the summer. 

B/W of the lake 
Love this SO much 

Kayla :) 
another reflection because I loved it so much
heading off the 30 foot drop! 
Go Jump In The Lake!! 
plug that nose :) ha 


  1. Wow! Those pictures of you jumping off are so cool! are just like me...make sure that nose is plugged well before! :)

    1. Thanks, Adrienne! You should come up sometime and we can go jump off of it :) I didn't realize I had plugged it so soon! haha

  2. I want to come! When should we go up this summer? I have time in the middle of August.

    1. Whenever works for you! I leave the 19th of August so anytime before then :)
